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Reasons for infertility: Male and female factors Infertility is thought to affect as many as 1 in 10 couples of reproductive age. Diagnosis ...

Reasons for infertility: Male and female factors

Reasons for infertility: Male and female factors

Infertility is thought to affect as many as 1 in 10 couples of reproductive age. Diagnosis of infertility requires a couple to attempt to conceive for one year, appropriately timing intercourse to coincide with the female's ovulatory cycle. There are many reasons for infertility, which can be attributed to male factors, female factors, can be a combination of issues with both the man and woman or unfortunately, infertility may be unexplained.

Identifying Fertility Problems

A medical workup should be conducted if a couple has been trying for one year or more without becoming pregnant. An obstetrician or gynecologist can do an initial work up which usually includes blood tests to check female hormone levels and determine whether or not ovulation is occurring and a semen analysis to document the number, shape and mobility of a man's sperm. If these basic tests are inconclusive, a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist whose specialty is infertility should be consulted. These doctors can perform advanced tests to determine the reason for infertility for each couple.

Female Factor Infertility

Advanced maternal age is one of the most common reasons for infertility in women. Female fertility peaks in the 20's and women are born with all of the eggs they will eve produce. Not only does advanced maternal age cause ovulation problems, the quality of the eggs that are released during ovulation can be compromised.

Additionally, some women do not ovulate regularly, due to a hormonal imbalance, excessive stress, drastic weight gain or loss, too much exercise, and eating disorders like anorexia. PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disorder in which multiple cysts form on the ovaries, causing irregular or no ovulation. These issues can all be reasons for infertility in women.

Scar tissue in the female reproductive tract is another possible reason for infertility. This scar tissue can impact the ovaries and/or the fallopian tubes and may result from previous abdominal trauma, surgeries including caesarian sections, a disorder called endometriosis, or sexually transmitted diseases. Polyps in the cervix or uterus can also be a reason for infertility, if they prevent fertilized eggs from successfully implanting.

Male factor infertility

Reasons for infertility in men are related to the number, shape and mobility of the sperm produced. Unlike women, men constantly produce "fresh" sperm, thus paternal age is almost never a reason for infertility. Problems with sperm production in men are usually related to stress, genetic disorders that affect sperm shape or mobility, and autoimmune disorders in which men produce antibodies against their own sperm. Additionally, high scrotal temperatures (associated with varicose veins in the testes, wearing tight underwear, and regular use of hot tubs or saunas) can be a reason for infertility in men.

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